Monday, September 28, 2020

Alfred Simukoko: How to write a Research Outline

How to to Write a Research Outline: ZAOU Master's prospespective students

 university of Lusaka

Wednesday, September 23, 2020



Alfred Simukoko: competencies



As of 20th September, 2020

Alfred Simukoko has expertised and advanced knowledge in:

Primary Teaching: 10 years experience

School Administration: 7 years experience

Computer programing with C++ programing language

Web Development with HTML along with CSS 

Web Development with PHP

Data science with MySQL

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Higher Education Background of Alfred Simukoko

Alfred Simukoko
Certificate in Education- Malcolm Moffat College of Education (MAMOCE).
Adult Education (B.ed Adult Education)-Zambian Open University (ZAOU)
Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching/Lecturing Methodology for Lecturers -Univereity of Lusaka (UNILUS)
Prospective student for the Master of Education in Literacy and Development -ZAOU